Healthcare & Biotech


IT solutions for healthcare & biotech sphere

Our cutting-edge technologies not only optimize work processes but also enhance the quality of services offered to your customers. We specialize in integrating the latest technologies into your healthcare and biotech business, developing software solutions tailored to meet your specific requirements. Take the initial step towards a digitized future for your company by partnering with us.

Innovative healthcare & biotech software solutions


Telehealth software

We develop software products that will provide your customers with high-quality healthcare from the comfort of their homes.


Artificial intelligence

Elevate your business with healthcare AI systems capable of performing a multitude of functions, from answering queries to making diagnoses and developing medicines.


Medical chatbots

We develop modern and detailed chatbots to efficiently assist your employees and automate communication with customers.


Mobile devices and health apps

We will provide medical applications that grant access to health-related services on smartphones and tablet computers, taking your business to new heights of digitalization.


Electronic document management system (EDMS) for healthcare

With digital platforms, crafted for your business, you will streamline your operations, simplifying the management of medical records, patient information, and other essential documents in one consolidated space.


Cloud computing in the healthcare industry

We will offer you flexible cloud solutions beneficial for all healthcare stakeholders, facilitating easier and safer sharing of medical records.


Hyper-personalized medicine

We will develop a suite of digital tools for hyper-personalized medicine, enabling the creation of highly individualized treatment plans and enhancing disease management, among other capabilities.

Client collaboration steps at Fastvel

Through our distinctive approach, Fastvel delivers genuinely personalized services to clients. Our collaboration encompasses the following steps:

  1. Understanding the client’s business and the purpose of engaging with Fastvel.
  2. Identifying solutions to address the current challenges.
  3. Joint approval of a step-by-step project implementation plan with the client.
  4. Execution of the chosen strategy: development of digital solutions, provision of marketing services, etc.
  5. Analysis of results and implementation of necessary adjustments.

Discover the future of healthcare through tailored software solutions. Reach out to us today and let's revolutionize your medical services together.

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    Soar to new heights with our services as we craft success in your digital journey together!